Things keeping us going this lockdown

With the recent lockdowns across Aoteroa, we acknowledge and recognise that our experiences of lockdown are all quite different. Currently, Auckland is at Alert Level 4 and the rest of the motu are at Alert Level 2. During our team meeting we shared some of the things that have been keeping us going during this lockdown. We’ve grouped activities using elements of Te Whare Tapa Wha to acknowledge the different pou that support our wellbeing.


Taha tinana | Physical wellbeing

  • When I need to get some fresh air and give to myself before I give to others or to work, I exercise. It helps me feel like I’m looking after me

  • Running helps me decompress, not only do I feel great afterwards, it also takes me away from my devices and helps me manage my screen time.


Taha hinengaro | Mental wellbeing

  •  Trying to let go of feeling guilty about finding lockdown difficult when I feel like others are in tougher situations. I came across a quote a while back that went along the lines of “Stop comparing someone drowning in a pond to someone drowning in an ocean. They are both still drowning.” It’s a good reminder that we all go through things differently and need to be kinder to ourselves.

  • Accepting and acknowledging that for some reason this lockdown feels harder. Accepting that as an undeniable fact has allowed me to give myself some grace on the days I feel pulled in a million different directions, between the kids and work, as well as nurturing my own self-care practise at a time that’s really triggering for me.

  • I enjoy meditation as it ensures that I’m also looking after my mind with something that gives me a sense of calm at the end of the day.

  • Finding laughter where I can and whenever I can through feel good movies or stand-up comedy specials. It feels like an instant mood boost when I’m feeling a bit flat. 

Taha whānau | Family and social wellbeing

  • We have family overseas and it’s been such a long time since we’ve seen them in person. Like a lot of us using Zoom and FaceTime to stay in touch is a tonic for the times when you’re really feeling isolated from the people you love.

  • We held a virtual pizza party where everyone made their own and brought it to chat, and discovered with the new Zoom and Teams immersive view that we can even feed someone birthday cake on the other side of the world!

  • Our son showed us the Teleparty app which allows us to watch the same movie at the same time. With this, coupled with an open Whatsapp call, its almost exactly like he’s home with my spouse complaining that my son and I are ruining the film by talking all the way through it.

  • My dogs! They like to cuddle and make me feel less alone in my bubble.

  • I live alone and most of my family are in a different time zone so keeping me going is the connection with my team throughout the day.

  • Morning snuggles are all of our family’s favourite time of the day. Our youngest wakes us up by warm cuddles before we get up and tackle the day.

The team also shared food and kitchen related things, along with what they’re doing for creative expression.

  • I’ve been teaching the family to fish, well not literally, but since being tied to all day zoom meetings, I have learned that my 8-year-old can actually bake a cake on her own, and my partner can work the washing machine!

  • I enjoy baking and trying out new recipes that don’t involve the famous lockdown banana bread.

  • In my attempt to avoid the supermarket I started looking deep in the pantry to see what I could find. I found four boxes of mushroom risotto which I didn't expect to taste good at all, so imagine my surprise when it actually tasted really good.

  • I’ve been wanting to try painting for a long time, and managed to buy some watercolour paint and material before we went into lockdown. I’m looking forward to an evening of letting my creative juices flow.

  • I can’t blow glass right now, but in the moments I get away from the screen you will find me baking, painting, or carving bone, wood, and resin while singing to Spotify, or listening to one of my Te Reo podcasts. 

  • I’m a bit late jumping on the podcast train but I like how they challenge the way I think. Some of the ones I’m listening to are from a few years back. I’ve been enjoying ‘Stephen Fry’s 7 Deadly Sins’ and just starting on a series called ‘How to Be a Better Human’.

We hope that these things either resonate with you or inspire you to try something out. If you need some support, you can find a list of resources we recommend on our website at


Want to try out some meditation? We currently have two series on the Whakatau Mai | The Wellbeing Sessions, By Changing Minds’ calendar that offer meditation:

  • Mindful Journaling and Meditation – Monday’s 5.30 – 6.30pm, and Thursdays 8.00 – 9.00am

  • Guided Meditation – Tuesday’s 5.30 – 6.30pm

 To find out more visit and don’t forget to check out


Me toro ki ētahi atu, kia atawhai, kia kaha. Check in on others, be kind and stay strong.

Please note that at the time of publishing (Wednesday, 8 September 2021), Auckland was at Alert Level 4 and the rest of Aotearoa was at Alert Level 2.



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